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5 Star Reviews

Comment from video poker professional, Bob Dancer, on his July 7 Gambling With An Edge podcast:

"My book is called Ultimate X Poker by James H. Haskell.  This is a book for basically beginners of the game.  Ultimate X Poker is probably the most popular video poker game out there these days, and if you want to get all the exact strategies for the game, this isn't it.  But, if you want an introduction to the game, and know what it's all about,  THIS IS IT!  So it is an overview, the history, and tells you about several of the different variations of Ultimate X Poker.  A lot of our listeners are not video poker players but they have heard of Ultimate X Poker  and they want to know something about it.  So James H. Haskell."

I'm a regular Ultimate X player, but this book deepened my understanding of the nuances of the game. This book may change how you play as it did for me. I never fully understood "pay tables" and how to use them to make game decisions. It really opened my eyes. Through the book, I can finally start to grasp "volatility" and what it means when Ultimate X is referred to as a volatile game. It also digs into the history of the game, how it was developed, and how it changed the video poker industry, which I thought was interesting. If you play Ultimate X but often aren't sure you're making informed decisions, the book is a no brainer. For someone that's just getting into video poker, it would also be a great starting point with one of the most widely played and available games. The book will improve your odds of getting started with good foundational concepts that can be applied when playing other games as well. I think most players will benefit from it.   GAIL R.

Mini books of all 4 books in Video Poker Heaven series
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